Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No more rain....in the bathroom

Last Thursday and Friday it rained...a lot. The last couple times we've had a lot of rain it came through the exhaust fan in the main bath. It was never a lot of water, just enough to be annoying...till Thursday night...

Chance and I went to the Olive Garden for dinner and came home to soaked bathroom rugs and a stream of water coming through the exhaust fan. We put a garbage pail down to catch most of the water and cleaned the floor. Chance called a contractor who said he would come Friday morning.

The contractor didn't actually come until Friday at 4:00PM. Luckily, it had stopped raining by then. He went on the roof and found that our vent fan had likely leaked several times before. He said the previous owners kept putting shingles over top of the vent and lots of glue. However, when done correctly, shingles are supposed to be under the vent to protect from water leakage. We had him fix it right. He put a new vent on the roof and some new shingles under the vent. $300 later, the bathroom is dry :)

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